State Farm® Electronic Communications Agreement

Your consent

We want to provide you with as many options as possible for receiving your State Farm documents and your consent is needed to send you electronic communications. These communications may include customer agreements, disclosures, policy related documents, billing statements, notices and all other documents or information. You should print or download for your records a copy of all electronic communications, this agreement, and any other document that is important to you. This consent is voluntary. You do not have to sign or receive any documents electronically.

Your consent applies to your interactions with State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("State Farm")footnote*. If you have entered or enter into a separate agreement with State Farm for services to be processed through electronic communications, the terms and conditions of that agreement control and this agreement does not alter the terms and conditions of that separate agreement.

Your consent will authorize State Farm to stop providing paper communications. We are required by law to give you certain information "in writing", which means you are entitled to communications on paper. We may provide this information to you electronically, instead, with your prior consent. And, we may provide certain communications in paper format if we believe it is necessary.

Some documents are not currently available for electronic delivery. If those documents become available in an electronic format, we may deliver those documents electronically, according to your paperless preference. State Farm may also terminate this agreement at any time. In the event you purchase new policies or open new accounts, or if additional policies and/or accounts offer electronic communication capabilities in the future, you authorize State Farm to apply your current electronic communications preferences at that time to those policies and/or accounts. You may change your electronic communication preferences at any time.

Electronic communication methods

State Farm will either send electronic communications directly to you as an email attachment at the email address you provide us, or we will send an email that gives you access to a web site where you may access communications when they are available. If an email is returned as undelivered, we may mail the communication in paper format using the postal address of record.

It is your responsibility to provide us with a true, accurate and complete email address and to maintain and promptly update this information with State Farm. If your email address changes, you should update your information by logging in to your account at or by contacting your State Farm agent for help. To ensure that you continue to receive emails from us, add the email "from" address to your email address book or safe list.

Sensitive personal information

We will use our proprietary, secured email service, the Secure Messaging Center, when we send electronic communications to you that may contain sensitive personal information about you or your transaction. Examples of sensitive personal information are Social Security number, credit/debit card numbers (financial account numbers), driver's license number, or health/medical information. State Farm may also use the Secure Messaging Center for messages that do not contain sensitive personal information.

Please use the Secure Messaging Center when you send us an email that contains sensitive personal information or any information you consider confidential. The Secure Messaging Center provides a more secure method of communicating by email; however, we cannot guarantee emails will be completely secure under all circumstances. Every person using email communications assumes some risk. To access our Secure Messaging Center, log in to your account at and click on Secure Email.

When messages are received

Electronic communications sent to you by State Farm are considered "received" by you as soon as they are transmitted by State Farm to the email account you provide in the Acknowledgment & Consent section below, or to the most recent email address you provided us - not just after you open or read the communication. Electronic communications may not be delivered due to a problem with the email address, (e.g. the address is invalid, or the email account is closed or over its storage limit, etc.).

Withdrawal of consent

Your consent will remain in effect throughout your relationship with State Farm for all existing and new policies or accounts, and for additional policies and/or accounts that offer electronic communication capabilities in the future until that consent is withdrawn. You may withdraw your consent to receive electronic communications at any time by logging in to your account at and updating your paperless preferences, or by contacting your State Farm agent for help. Withdrawing your consent will not apply to actions State Farm already took based upon your consent. Withdrawing your consent to receive electronic communications will also not apply to any separate agreement you have with State Farm for a service that involves electronic communications, such as State Farm Payment Plan. Withdrawing your consent will change your preferences with respect to all State Farm policies and accounts that are subject to this agreement.

If you submit an invalid email address or it becomes invalid later, we may treat that as a withdrawal of your consent to receive electronic communications. If you withdraw your consent to receive electronic communications, your withdrawal will be effective only after we have a reasonable amount of time to process it. State Farm may at any time decide to stop sending communications electronically, but before we do, we'll let you know by sending you an email at the email address you provided.


You may also log in to or contact your State Farm agent to request a paper copy. If you decide that you want to receive documents electronically, we will provide one paper copy per year of any document, at no charge to you, upon your request.


In accordance with our Notice of Privacy Policy, we won't sell your email address to third parties.

System requirements

If you would like to access, print or otherwise hang on to your electronic communications, you will need the following hardware and software:

  • An Internet-enabled electronic device with access to the Internet that is capable of sending and receiving email.
  • A printer, if you want to keep your own paper records.
  • An Internet browser.

Currently supported browsers and more details about system requirements.

Additional terms

If you do not agree to all of the following, do not complete the form below.

  • I acknowledge that I have read this agreement and I consent to receiving electronic communications from State Farm for the email I have on file with State Farm. I understand that I will no longer receive paper communications through postal mail where electronic communications are available, except for certain notices where paper communications are required by law. I understand I may also request a paper copy as described above.
  • I understand that my consent is valid until it is withdrawn, as described above.
  • I understand that it is my responsibility to update my email address with State Farm as described above.
  • I can meet the system requirements described above.
  • I understand that by clicking I Agree, I am electronically signing this document and providing evidence of my consent to receive electronic communications from State Farm.

The terms of this agreement are also available on your account.


return to reference * The State Farm family of companies includes, but is not limited to, the following companies: State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm Life Insurance Company, State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company, State Farm Guaranty Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas, State Farm Lloyds, State Farm Florida Insurance Company. State Farm insurance policies, applications, forms and required notices are written in English. If this document has been translated, the translation is for your convenience. In the event of any difference in interpretation, the English language version controls.